
Magha Puja Day: Embrace peace and merit with Jongstit's monk blankets.
Magha Puja Day: Embrace peace and merit with Jongstit's monk blankets.

Magha Puja Day: Embrace peace and merit with Jongstit's monk blankets.

Jong Stit have five types of monk blankets specially designed to provide comfort and convenience to monks.

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Fabric from Natural, Polyester or other Synthetic fibers, which is better?

Fabric from Natural, Polyester or other Synthetic fibers, which is better?

Many consumers have no idea what's the difference between these 2 fabrics? We'll find out together!

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What is Knitted Fabric?

What is Knitted Fabric?

Knitted Fabric has been well-known in the past. Knitting started out being done by hand, and then technology advanced to the knitting machine, encompassing various fabric types. The Knitted Fabric will be more understandable after reading this article.

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