Mon, Jul 19, 2021 12:00 AM
What is Knitted Fabric?
Knitted Fabric has been well-known in the past. Knitting started out being done by hand, and then technology advanced to the knitting machine, encompassing various fabric types. The Knitted Fabric will be more understandable after reading this article.
Knitted Fabric uses a knitting technique by continuously forming the thread in a vertical direction (wales) and another thread in a horizontal direction (courses) and interlocking loops. Knitted Fabric has a smooth texture, stretchy, durable and wrinkle-resistant, and can be made in various clothing styles.

On the other hand, Woven Fabric weaves 2 threads til the end of the edges, warps go south to north, and wefts go right to the left. Woven Fabric is durable, tight, windproof, and has a fine texture.
Knitted Fabric is divided into 2 types:

1.Weft Knitting - is when loops are knitted continuously in a horizontal direction. It can be produced from either single or multiple threads, and it's stretchable in both directions. Weft Knitted Fabrics, for example, Pique, Lacoste, Fleece, Single Jersey, Jacquard, etc.

2.Warp Knitting - is when loops are knitted continuously in a vertical direction. And there are smooth surfaces, mesh, patterns, colors, and many textures. Warp Knit Fabric only stretches horizontally; for example, Tricot (Tricot Half, Tricot Satin, Tricot Mesh, Tricot Fancy, Tricot Brush) and Lace Fabric.
Many of you may know the difference between Knitted and Woven Fabric and Knitting structure. For the next chapter, we'll detail each knitted fabric. Stay tuned!