
How to choose the right polyester fabric for your projects?
How to choose the right polyester fabric for your projects?

How to choose the right polyester fabric for your projects?

Polyester fabric is one of the most famous fibers used in the textile industry in the world. The fabric is strong, durable, easy to care, various, and cheaper than natural fibers.

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Fabric from Natural, Polyester or other Synthetic fibers, which is better?

Fabric from Natural, Polyester or other Synthetic fibers, which is better?

Many consumers have no idea what's the difference between these 2 fabrics? We'll find out together!

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7 Tips to Keep Your Polyester Fabric Looking New!

7 Tips to Keep Your Polyester Fabric Looking New!

Polyester fabric has become a popular choice for home décor and other things. Although Polyester Fabric is inexpensive, it can be challenging to maintain and keep looking new. Here are some tips for making Polyester Fabric looks new.

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If you don't like ironing, polyester fabric is your answer!

If you don't like ironing, polyester fabric is your answer!

Polyester is a widely used synthetic fabric. This fabric has a lightweight, durability, and wrinkle resistance. The luster of polyester makes clothing an exciting choice.

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Types of Synthetic Fibers

Types of Synthetic Fibers

Polyester and many other synthetic fibers are still used in the textile industry.

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Did you know?  When was the first time Thai people knew how to weave Fabric?

Did you know? When was the first time Thai people knew how to weave Fabric?

Over 4,000 years ago, there is still no evidence to prove when the fabric first arrived in Thailand.

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