Tue, Jun 29, 2021 12:00 AM
A Simple Way to Remove Stains from Clothing!
We hope this will help you get rid of those stains and we assure the result.

1.Cosmetic stains
Many women might struggle with this problem. For example, for a lipstick mark, you can rub petroleum gel on the mark and a drop of vinegar, and then wash it with cold water. For a foundation stain, rub dishwasher soap on the stain and wash it with hot water, then temperature water.

2.Food stains
This usually happens to anyone, but no worries! For coffee stains, mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide with water, leave it for a while, and wash it out. How about chocolate? Can use either corn starch or powder over it, leave it for 15 mins and wash it! Gum? If it's white clothes, leave them with mixed vinegar and water, then blow with a hair dryer until the gum comes off. For coloured clothes, rub them with ice and scratch with a card.

3.Other stains
It could be rust, ink, etc. It's pretty hard to remove and should be removed asap. What if it sticks for quite some time? Follow our secret! Blood, leave it in water mixed with salt before washing, also dries blood, drop hydrogen peroxide over it before washing. Rust stains, soak in the water, squeeze the lime or lemon on it, leave and wash. Ink, drop vinegar over it, rest for 10 mins, follow with 2-3 drops of dishwasher soap, slowly rub it and wash with cold water.
We hope this will help you get rid of those stains and we assure the result.